Friday, March 23, 2007

Life Without Television


For twenty years, people

would say, "You know

that show--where so

and so. ." and I

would say "I

don't have

a TV."

Looks of horror

came on to me.

It didn't comfort

people that I had

a fantastic stereo,

loads of albums, scads

of books. Or that I took

yoga classes, and I loved

to walk/bike/write/cook.

"You don't watch Friends

on Thursday nights?" my

pal Nikki once asked me.

"No, I said "I have friends

on Thursday nights."

As if I was out of food or

water, friends showed up

at my door, unannounced:

"Here," they'd say," a small

old TV filling up their arms:

"Take it." No one got that I

had no such need; it was

the seventies and 80's.

Did I miss anything?

(c) elaine heveron

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